About me

The focus of my work is on creativity, sex positivity, the exploration of consciousness and the fulfilment of our potential as human beings. The journey to this point has taken many forms, from my origins in working class London, to becoming focused on magickal practice, to a professional artist, then author and now bringing all of the elements of who I am together.

Like many people being more open about my sexuality and bringing my work with BDSM or sexual magick into wider areas of my life wasn’t easy. Yet after some very painful experiences in my life I knew that authenticity is the avenue to healing and self realisation. I now want to help others learn, heal and free themselves from shame through practices like sexual magick, kinbaku, polyamory, and art.

Artistically, I first came to public attention as an installation artist exploring psychology and consciousness through specially designed technological environments, the largest of which was exhibited at London’s Science Museum in 2004. These installations also led to immersive technology designed to induce altered states of consciousness and out-of-body experiences.

Since the late 1990s I have lectured widely at events around the world, from Finland to Australia. Events including the Thelemic Symposium (UK), Ananke Conference (UK), Gateways of the Mind (UK), Cosmic Consciousness Conference (AUS) and the International Remote Viewing Association Conference (US), as well as at venues including: Cambridge University (UK), Kings College (UK), The Institute of Noetic Sciences (US), The Society for Psychical Research (UK),  The Rhine Research Center (US), Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes (UK), and the Science Museum (UK).

I have been interviewed on polyamory and spirituality by The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Daily Express, The Epoch Times, and the BBC, as well as many overseas and I have been featured in several books by other authors.

If you would like to contact me about workshops, private sessions, or healing you can reach me via the form below: