The Power of Kinbaku

The first moments are characterised by the building of empathy. All the time with the calm, yet powerful, sense of a controlled fury in every act of tactile motion across the surface of your skin. Every action definite like the muscle in my body is extended through the slow binding of rope against the receptive form of your body.

In those early moments your expression, your breathing reveal an almost child-like wonder at the process unfolding around you. Yet in the next moment, as a nexus of rope is formed, you realise that now control is gone, in that moment you are held. The shift in you is visible, like a new state of being has overtaken you. A deeper somehow more fiery energy seems to build from within you, just for a moment, before it is fully submerged in servility.

The flow of the rope between us underlines in every new turn and flourish your deepening course toward my design. Your body awakening through the limits of the rope, my bondage defining your experience of freedom, and your desire to let it go.

Your body begins to shake now, your arms tight behind your back, the flowing adrenalin into your blood changing even the touch of your skin. Moving faster now, as the force with which I bind you increases without warning. Shocking you and bringing you back for a moment to that primordial sense of frenzy, of flight. Every visible sense is changed in both of us, your eyes closed, your thoughts lost, my movements like they are guided by a hidden hand.

In the next moment you feel me stand over you from behind, your awareness shifting again, as rope becomes taut. You feel the pressure and intensity as you relinquish balance and are forced above the ground. Your hair twisted up and pulled back, your mouth open, your neck extended to reveal the pulsing of veins, and the flushed colours of layers of subtle pain.

Your body is shifted through stages of motion, like the rope has captured moments in time in a mythical fall from grace. Your legs extended, your arms reddened against shades of spiralling yarn in bronze and fawn.

Finally, you reach the severest of forms, your body and mind focused into an intensity of emotion and awareness. In that moment of tension, I release the first of the major ropes into my control again. Looking deep into you I bring my line of vision into line with yours. I bring your perceptions back to me, and we look for a time into each other as the rope runs slowly through my hands and each knot and binding drops away.

In the end, when your body and mind are set free again, you pause in that place, the liminal world between authority, and choice, and there you find an emancipation beyond the safe and the known.