The Precipice

The amber reflections illuminate your form, drawing my eyes to you. My mind evokes a sensuality, almost delicate, while from somewhere deeper a tightening visceral force rises inside me. A will to take you down, to possess your mind with every action of my body.

You look to me, your eyes barely open, your head tilted back, a gesture as if my hand is already around your throat. As if in this moment the force of my nature is already reaching you. The desire for that first touch has built inside us both.

I move closer, again the invisible nature of our connection causes your body to move in reflection to mine. I raise my hand, stopping a moment before taking you, as if touching the force that pervades your body. You fall forward to meet my hand with your throat, almost like an unknown force has mesmerised you.

The tightening energy rises again inside me, like a serpent traversing my body and finding expression in my fingers as it coils around your throat. The energy seems to flow into you as reds and purple tones flood your face.

The void on the edge of frenzy envelopes us there, as the pressure, force, the line between the physical and unknowable is broken. My hand will not stop now, my eyes fixed on yours, slowly willing your will away. I release you on the brink of you being taken by unconsciousness, but not out of mercy, or fear. I release you as that is the moment I will release my own violent sovereign being.

My hands like claws now, finding hidden thoroughfares into your mind by way of the force with which they impact your body. With each blow the beginnings of deep bruising, mixed with even deeper clawed marks like tortured rhizomes.

I lift you, awakening us both to the tortured vista surrounding us, twisted crags far below us, violence formed into stillness. If I should release you, you will be destroyed, annihilated, torn apart by the forces of nature via the avenue of my nature.

I want you to feel that, to fully experience that moment, the power I hold over your continued existence, or total oblivion. I want you to feel that as your body is torn, bruised and transformed by my hands. Your arousal, lust and desire like an erotic transfiguration in my hands.

As my sexual violation reaches its height I am lost in a rapture of force, rape, and violent abandon. I push you to the edge, the tiniest shift either way and we will plummet to the void, but I no longer exist in a place where anything other than desire, sadism and lust exist. I launch into the air, hanging suspended between the precipice, oblivion and the heights of sexual abandon.

Where we will land is in the hands of fate…